Light therapy belt

Using a light belt for red light therapy at home gives us unique advantage. Amazing comfort and mobility. You can use red light therapy belt whilst working on your laptop – if you like many others work from home these days – or whilst reading a book, watching TV, cooking or doing other daily chores. With traditional red light therapy panel you have to stand in front of it for 10 min and wait until the session is over. Using light belt you are FREE to do myriad of things at the same time!

Light belt also allows us to reach in places that standard panels struggle – under arms, in groin for instance. You can wrap the belt around your waist, shoulders, or leg. It is also light so you can take it with you do do therapy during lunch break at work or on a weekend trip with family. Sports people would appreciate to take it with them on sport evens to do therapy before and after the game for better sport performance and faster body recovery.

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Advanced red light therapy belt from Mito seems to me like a very good option. Check out it’s specks if you are interested: Advanced Mito Light Belt

The belt I have and used offers two standard wavelengths of therapeutic light RED 660nm and NIR 850nm. I was very happy with the results I got with that light belt but if you want to use multiple wavelengths like in large panels, you can now choose Quad Wavelength Belt.

  • LEDs: 405 diodes with 3 chips per diode = 1,215 LED chips per belt!
  • Wavelengths: 630nm, 660nm (Red) & 810nm, 850nm (NIR). Use red alone, NIR alone or both together.
  • Intensity: 5 intensity levels to choose from.

More information about Mito light belts are here: Mito Light Belts & Mat

You can test it for 60 days!

Remember that you have 60 days trial period and if you decide that you would prefer light panel instead of a belt, you can return the belt to Mito and get something that better suits your therapeutic needs. Perhaps handheld light. I think it is a very fair deal!